Dimensions of Motion: Monocular Prediction through Flow Subspaces

Richard Strong Bowen*
Ramin Zabih
Proceedings of the International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV) (2022)


We introduce a way to learn to estimate a scene representation from a single image by predicting a low-dimensional subspace of optical flow for each training example, which encompasses the variety of possible camera and object movement. Supervision is provided by a novel loss which measures the distance between this predicted flow subspace and an observed optical flow. This provides a new approach to learning scene representation tasks, such as monocular depth prediction or instance segmentation, in an unsupervised fashion using in-the-wild input videos without requiring camera poses, intrinsics, or an explicit multi-view stereo step. We evaluate our method in multiple settings, including an indoor depth prediction task where it achieves comparable performance to recent methods trained with more supervision.

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