Guidelines for Productivity in Virtual Reality

Andrea Colaco
ACM Interactions, 31 (2024), pp. 46-53


Most of our interactions with digital content currently occur inside 2D screens, however moving from that format to immersive setups brings a paradigm shift. From content inside the screen to users inside the content. This change requires a revisit to how we blend the analog and the digital and how we transfer content between the two modes. Perhaps it even asks for new guidelines too. While different solutions appear in the space, the dynamic range only seems to widen. We can start to see what works and what does not work so well, in an empirical or ethnographic approach, beyond laboratory studies. But if we want to accelerate adoption we need to further the understanding on how current tasks can be improved. How this new form of interaction can increase their productivity. In this paper we focus on analyzing and converging what we think works, and envisioning how this new set of immersive devices and interactions can enable productivity beyond already existing tools.

Research Areas