Productive Coverage: Improving the Actionability of Code Coverage

Luka Kalinovcic
Mateusz Lewko
Rene Just
Yana Kulizhskaya
ICSE-SEIP '24: Proceedings of the 46th International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Practice (2024) (to appear)


Code coverage is an intuitive and established test adequacy measure.
However, not all parts of the code base are equally important, and
hence additional testing may be critical for some uncovered code,
whereas it may not be worthwhile for other uncovered code. As a
result, simply visualizing uncovered code is not reliably actionable.
To make code coverage actionable and further improve code
coverage in our codebase, we developed Productive Coverage —
a novel approach to code coverage that guides developers to uncovered code that that should be tested by (unit) tests. Specifically,
Productive Coverage identifies uncovered code that is similar to
existing code, which in turn is tested and/or frequently executed in
production. We implemented and evaluated Productive Coverage
for four programming languages (C++, Java, Go, and Python). The
evaluation shows: (1) The developer sentiment, measured at the
point of use, is strongly positive; (2) Productive Coverage meaningfully increases code coverage above a strong baseline; (3) Productive
Coverage has no negative effect on code authoring efficiency; (4)
Productive Coverage modestly improves code-review effiency; (5)
Productive Coverage directly improves code quality and prevents
bugs from being introduced, in addition to improving test quality

Research Areas