SAC122 - SSAC Report on Urgent Requests in the gTLD Registration Data Policy

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) , ICANN Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC) Reports and Advisories (2023), pp. 14


This paper examines the process that led to the proposed language for Urgent Requests and
asserts the following questions should be asked if the same or similar requirements for
processing special requests are pursued in the future.
● What is known about the need for special requests? Is there documentation of the
frequency, urgency, source and outcomes of requests of this type?
● Is the rationale for creating a separate process for these special requests fully specified,
well defined, and accepted by all parties?
● Is the proposed special process fit for purpose? (i.e., Will the resulting policy or
implementation accomplish its stated purpose?)
This paper concludes with three recommendations. The first recommendation adds additional
structure so that Urgent Requests will be handled in an appropriately expedited fashion. The
second recommendation requests that the response time policy for Urgent Requests be fit for
purpose. Finally, the third recommendation requests ICANN org begin gathering data on Urgent
Requests and make it available to the community to inform future policy making efforts.

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