Securing the Tangled Web

Communications of the ACM, 57, no. 9 (2014), pp. 38-47


Preventing script injection vulnerabilities through software design.

Script injection vulnerabilities are a bane of Web application development: deceptively simple in cause and remedy, they are nevertheless surprisingly difficult to prevent in large-scale Web development.

Cross-site scripting (XSS) arises when insufficient data validation, sanitization, or escaping within a Web application allow an attacker to cause browser-side execution of malicious JavaScript in the application's context. This injected code can then do whatever the attacker wants, using the privileges of the victim. Exploitation of XSS bugs results in complete (though not necessarily persistent) compromise of the victim's session with the vulnerable application. This article provides an overview of how XSS vulnerabilities arise and why it is so difficult to avoid them in real-world Web application software development. Software design patterns developed at Google to address the problem are then described.