Self-supervised Learning for Pairwise Data Refinement

Bowen Liang
Wei Wang
Zarana Parekh
Yinfei Yang
Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 10th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, Association for Computational Linguistics, Suzhou, China (2020), pp. 435-446 (to appear)
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We present a self-supervised method to refine pairwise data using the contents of the data itself.Our method is based on the cross-lingual similarity scores calculated with a dual-encoder model and using them to select data to train new dual-encoder models in an iterative way. To illustrate the functionality of our method, we apply it to the task of denoising parallel texts mined from the internet on two language pairs: en-fr and en-de. We train dual-encoder models on the refined data and test them on the BUCC bitext mining tasks. The dual-encoder models show steady performance improvement with every iteration. We also use the refined data to train machine translation models that we integrate in our method for further improvement of the dual-encoder models. The machine translation models that we evaluate are competitive against similar models trained with data filtered with a supervised approach. Our method has the advantage that, given that it is entirely self-supervised, it is well-suited to handle text data for which there is no prior knowledge about the language or where labeled clean data is not available.