What Matters for Adversarial Imitation Learning?

Manu Orsini
Léonard Hussenot
Damien Vincent
Sertan Girgin
Matthieu Geist
Olivier Pietquin
Marcin Andrychowicz
NeurIPS (2021)


Adversarial imitation learning has become a standard framework for imitation in continuous control. Over the years, several variations of its components were proposed to enhance the performance of the learned policies as well as the sample complexity of the algorithm. In practice, many of these choices are rarely tested all together in rigorous empirical studies. It is therefore difficult to discuss and understand what choices, among the high-level algorithmic options as well as low-level implementation details, matter.
To tackle this issue, we implement more than 50 of these choices in a generic adversarial imitation learning framework and investigate their impacts in a large-scale study (>500k trained agents) with both synthetic and human-generated demonstrations. We analyze the key results and highlight the most surprising findings.

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