Machine Intelligence

Google is at the forefront of innovation in Machine Intelligence, with active research exploring virtually all aspects of machine learning, including deep learning and more classical algorithms. Exploring theory as well as application, much of our work on language, speech, translation, visual processing, ranking and prediction relies on Machine Intelligence. In all of those tasks and many others, we gather large volumes of direct or indirect evidence of relationships of interest, applying learning algorithms to understand and generalize.

Machine Intelligence at Google raises deep scientific and engineering challenges, allowing us to contribute to the broader academic research community through technical talks and publications in major conferences and journals. Contrary to much of current theory and practice, the statistics of the data we observe shifts rapidly, the features of interest change as well, and the volume of data often requires enormous computation capacity. When learning systems are placed at the core of interactive services in a fast changing and sometimes adversarial environment, combinations of techniques including deep learning and statistical models need to be combined with ideas from control and game theory.

Recent Publications

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: A Perspective from Google
Lily Peng
Lisa Lehmann
Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare, Elsevier (2024)
Preview abstract Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds the promise of transforming healthcare by improving patient outcomes, increasing accessibility and efficiency, and decreasing the cost of care. Realizing this vision of a healthier world for everyone everywhere requires partnerships and trust between healthcare systems, clinicians, payers, technology companies, pharmaceutical companies, and governments to drive innovations in machine learning and artificial intelligence to patients. Google is one example of a technology company that is partnering with healthcare systems, clinicians, and researchers to develop technology solutions that will directly improve the lives of patients. In this chapter we share landmark trials of the use of AI in healthcare. We also describe the application of our novel system of organizing information to unify data in electronic health records (EHRs) and bring an integrated view of patient records to clinicians. We discuss our consumer focused innovation in dermatology to help guide search journeys for personalized information about skin conditions. Finally, we share a perspective on how to embed ethics and a concern for all patients into the development of AI. View details
AI-powered patching: the future of automated vulnerability fixes
Jan Keller
Jan Nowakowski
Google Security Engineering Technical Report (2024) (to appear)
Preview abstract As AI continues to advance at rapid speed, so has its ability to unearth hidden security vulnerabilities in all types of software. Every bug uncovered is an opportunity to patch and strengthen code—but as detection continues to improve, we need to be prepared with new automated solutions that bolster our ability to fix those bugs. That’s why our Secure AI Framework (SAIF) includes a fundamental pillar addressing the need to “automate defenses to keep pace with new and existing threats.” This paper shares lessons from our experience leveraging AI to scale our ability to fix bugs, specifically those found by sanitizers in C/C++, Java, and Go code. By automating a pipeline to prompt Large Language Models (LLMs) to generate code fixes for human review, we have harnessed our Gemini model to successfully fix 15% of sanitizer bugs discovered during unit tests, resulting in hundreds of bugs patched. Given the large number of sanitizer bugs found each year, this seemingly modest success rate will with time save significant engineering effort. We expect this success rate to continually improve and anticipate that LLMs can be used to fix bugs in various languages across the software development lifecycle. View details
Preview abstract Importance: Interest in artificial intelligence (AI) has reached an all-time high, and health care leaders across the ecosystem are faced with questions about where, when, and how to deploy AI and how to understand its risks, problems, and possibilities. Observations: While AI as a concept has existed since the 1950s, all AI is not the same. Capabilities and risks of various kinds of AI differ markedly, and on examination 3 epochs of AI emerge. AI 1.0 includes symbolic AI, which attempts to encode human knowledge into computational rules, as well as probabilistic models. The era of AI 2.0 began with deep learning, in which models learn from examples labeled with ground truth. This era brought about many advances both in people’s daily lives and in health care. Deep learning models are task-specific, meaning they do one thing at a time, and they primarily focus on classification and prediction. AI 3.0 is the era of foundation models and generative AI. Models in AI 3.0 have fundamentally new (and potentially transformative) capabilities, as well as new kinds of risks, such as hallucinations. These models can do many different kinds of tasks without being retrained on a new dataset. For example, a simple text instruction will change the model’s behavior. Prompts such as “Write this note for a specialist consultant” and “Write this note for the patient’s mother” will produce markedly different content. Conclusions and Relevance: Foundation models and generative AI represent a major revolution in AI’s capabilities, ffering tremendous potential to improve care. Health care leaders are making decisions about AI today. While any heuristic omits details and loses nuance, the framework of AI 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 may be helpful to decision-makers because each epoch has fundamentally different capabilities and risks. View details
Using Early Readouts to Mediate Featural Bias in Distillation
Rishabh Tiwari
Durga Sivasubramanian
Anmol Mekala
Ganesh Ramakrishnan
WACV 2024 (2024)
Preview abstract Deep networks tend to learn spurious feature-label correlations in real-world supervised learning tasks. This vulnerability is aggravated in distillation, where a (student) model may have less representational capacity than the corresponding teacher model. Often, knowledge of specific problem features is used to reweight instances & rebalance the learning process. We propose a novel early readout mechanism whereby we attempt to predict the label using representations from earlier network layers. We show that these early readouts automatically identify problem instances or groups in the form of confident, incorrect predictions. We improve group fairness measures across benchmark datasets by leveraging these signals to mediate between teacher logits and supervised label. We extend our results to the closely related but distinct problem of domain generalization, which also critically depends on the quality of learned features. We provide secondary analyses that bring insight into the role of feature learning in supervision and distillation. View details
PikeLPN: Mitigating Overlooked Inefficiencies of Low-Precision Neural Networks
Marina Neseem
Conor McCullough
Randy Hsin
Chas Leichner
Shan Li
In Suk Chong
Andrew Howard
Lukasz Lew
Sherief Reda
Ville-Mikko Rautio
Daniele Moro
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (2024) (to appear)
Preview abstract Low-precision quantization is recognized for its efficacy in neural network optimization. Our analysis reveals that non-quantized elementwise operations which are prevalent in layers such as parameterized activation functions, batch normalization, and quantization scaling dominate the inference cost of low-precision models. These non-quantized elementwise operations are commonly overlooked in SOTA efficiency metrics such as Arithmetic Computation Effort (ACE). In this paper, we propose ACEv2 - an extended version of ACE which offers a better alignment with the inference cost of quantized models and their energy consumption on ML hardware. Moreover, we introduce PikeLPN, a model that addresses these efficiency issues by applying quantization to both elementwise operations and multiply-accumulate operations. In particular, we present a novel quantization technique for batch normalization layers named QuantNorm which allows for quantizing the batch normalization parameters without compromising the model performance. Additionally, we propose applying Double Quantization where the quantization scaling parameters are quantized. Furthermore, we recognize and resolve the issue of distribution mismatch in Separable Convolution layers by introducing Distribution-Heterogeneous Quantization which enables quantizing them to low-precision. PikeLPN achieves Pareto-optimality in efficiency-accuracy trade-off with up to 3X efficiency improvement compared to SOTA low-precision models. View details
Preview abstract Learned reweighting (LRW) approaches to supervised learning use an optimization criterion to assign weights for training instances, in order to maximize performance on a representative validation dataset. We pose and formalize the problem of optimized selection of the validation set used in LRW training, to improve classifier generalization. In particular, we show that using hard-to-classify instances in the validation set has both a theoretical connection to, and strong empirical evidence of generalization. We provide an efficient algorithm for training this meta-optimized model, as well as a simple train-twice heuristic for careful comparative study. We demonstrate that LRW with easy validation data performs consistently worse than LRW with hard validation data, establishing the validity of our meta-optimization problem. Our proposed algorithm outperforms a wide range of baselines on a range of datasets and domain shift challenges (Imagenet-1K, CIFAR-100, Clothing-1M, CAMELYON, WILDS, etc.), with ~1% gains using VIT-B on Imagenet. We also show that using naturally hard examples for validation (Imagenet-R / Imagenet-A) in LRW training for Imagenet improves performance on both clean and naturally hard test instances by 1-2%. Secondary analyses show that using hard validation data in an LRW framework improves margins on test data, hinting at the mechanism underlying our empirical gains. We believe this work opens up new research directions for the meta-optimization of meta-learning in a supervised learning context. View details