A Week to Remember: The Impact of Browser Warning Storage Policies

Joel Weinberger
SOUPS 2016
Google Scholar


When someone decides to ignore an HTTPS error warning,
how long should the browser remember that decision? If
they return to the website in five minutes, an hour, a day,
or a week, should the browser show them the warning again
or respect their previous decision? There is no clear industry
consensus, with eight major browsers exhibiting four different
HTTPS error exception storage policies.

Ideally, a browser would not ask someone about the same
warning over and over again. If a user believes the warning
is a false alarm, repeated warnings undermine the browser’s
trustworthiness without providing a security benefit. However,
some people might change their mind, and we do not
want one security mistake to become permanent.

We evaluated six storage policies with a large-scale, multimonth
field experiment. We found substantial differences
between the policies and selected the policy with the most
desirable characteristics. Google Chrome 45 adopted our
proposal, and it has proved successful since deployed. Subsequently,
we ran Mechanical Turk and GCS surveys to learn
about user expectations for warnings. Respondents generally
lacked knowledge about Chrome’s new storage policy,
but we remain satisfied with our proposal due to the behavioral
benefits we have observed in the field.