Business Intelligence Career Master Plan

Danny Moncada
Eduardo Chavez
Packt (2023) (to appear)
Google Scholar


Navigating the challenging path of a business intelligence career requires considering individual expertise, interest, and skills. This book explores key skills like data modeling, visualization, and warehousing, alongside organizational structures, technology stacks, coursework, certifications, and interview advice, thus enabling readers to make informed decisions about their BI journey. The book will begin by assessing the different roles of BI and provide an in-depth walkthrough of the roadmap while helping you match your skills and career with the tech stack in business intelligence. The book will then teach you to build taxonomy and a data story using visualization types. You would be learning the fundamentals of programming, frontend development, backend development, software development lifecycle, and project management to give you a broad-level view of the end-to-end BI process. This book will also help you to identify what subjects and areas are crucial to study and what does not add much value to your BI skill set. You would be able to find the right job fit and build a business problem and data solutions matrix. By the end of this book, you would be able to make an informed, well-thought-out decision on which of the myriad paths to choose in your business intelligence journey.