Factual and Personalized Recommendation Language Modeling with Reinforcement Learning

Jihwan Jeong
Mohammad Ghavamzadeh
Proceedings of the First Conference on Language Modeling (COLM-24), Philadelphia (2024)


Recommender systems (RSs) play a central role in connecting users to products, content and services by matching candidate items to users based on their preferences. While existing RSs often rely on implicit user feedback on recommended items (e.g., clicks, watches, ratings), conversational recommender systems are interacting with users to provide tailored recommendations in natural language. In this work, we aim to develop a recommender language model (LM) that is capable of generating compelling endorsement presentations of relevant items to users, to better explain the details of the items, to connect the items with users’ preferences, and to enhance the likelihood of users accepting recommendations. Specifically, such an LLM-based recommender can understand users’ preferences from users’ RS embeddings summarizing feedback history, output corresponding responses that not only are factually-grounded, but also explain whether these items satisfy users’ preferences in a convincing manner. The pivotal question is how one can gauge the performance of such a LLM recommender. Equipped with a joint reward function that measures factual consistency, convincingness, and personalization, not only can we evaluate the efficacies of different recommender LMs, but we can also utilize this metric as a form of AI feedback to fine-tune our LLM agent via reinforcement learning (RL). Building upon the MovieLens movie recommendation benchmark, we developed a novel conversational recommender delivering personalized movie narratives to users. This work lays the groundwork for recommendation systems that prioritize individualized user experiences without compromising on transparency and integrity.

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