Fast Multi-language LSTM-based Online Handwriting Recognition

Thomas Deselaers
Alexander Daryin
Marcos Calvo
Li-Lun Wang
Sandro Feuz
Philippe Gervais
International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR) (2020)
Google Scholar


Handwriting is a natural input method for many people and we continuously invest in improving the recognition quality. Here we describe and motivate the modelling and design choices that lead to a significant improvement across the 100 supported languages, based on recurrent neural networks and a variety of language models.
This new architecture has completely replaced our previous segment-and-decode system~\cite{Google:HWRPAMI} and reduced the error rate by 30\%-40\% relative for most languages. Further, we report new state-of-the-art results on \iamondb for both the open and closed dataset setting.
By using B\'ezier curves for shortening the input length of our sequences we obtain up to 10x faster recognition times. Through a series of experiments we determine what layers are needed and how wide and deep they should be.
We evaluate the setup on a number of additional public datasets.