imGHUM: Implicit Generative Models of 3D Human Shape and Articulated Pose

Hongyi Xu
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision, IEEE (2021), pp. 5461-5470


We present imGHUM, the first holistic generative model of 3D human shape and articulated pose, represented as a signed distance function. In contrast to prior work, we model the full human body implicitly as a function zero-level-set and without the use of an explicit template mesh. We propose a novel network architecture and a learning paradigm, which make it possible to learn a detailed implicit generative model of human pose, shape, and semantics, on par with state-of-the-art mesh-based models. Our model features desired detail for human models, such as articulated pose including hand motion and facial expressions, a broad spectrum of shape variations, and can be queried at arbitrary resolutions and spatial locations. Additionally, our model has attached spatial semantics making it straightforward to establish correspondences between different shape instances, thus enabling applications that are difficult to tackle using classical implicit representations. In extensive experiments, we demonstrate the model accuracy and its applicability to current research problems.