Incoherent idempotent ambisonics rendering

W. Bastiaan Kleijn
Andrew Allen
2017 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (2017)
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We describe a family of ambisonics rendering methods that is based
on optimizing the soundfield component that lies in the null space
of the operator that maps the loudspeaker signals onto the given
ambisonics representation. In contrast to traditional rendering ap-
proaches, the new method avoids the coherent addition of loud-
speaker contributions to the sound field. As a result, it provides
a space-invariant timbre and good spatial directionality outside the
spatial region where the ambisonics soundfield description is ac-
curate. The new method is idempotent at all frequencies and has
relatively low computational complexity. Our experimental results
confirm the effectiveness of the method.