MetricX-23: The Google Submission to the WMT 2023 Metrics Shared Task

Jurik Juraska
Mara Finkelstein
Mahdi Mirzazadeh
Conference on Machine Translation (2023)


This report details the MetricX-23 submission to the Workshop on Machine Translation's 2023 Metrics Shared Task and provides an overview of the experiments that informed which metrics were submitted. Our three submissions---each with a quality estimation (or reference-free) version---are all learned regression-based metrics that vary in the data used for training and which pretrained language model was used for initialization. We report results related to understanding (1) which supervised training data to use, (2) the impact of how the training labels are normalized, (3) the amount of synthetic training data to use, (4) how metric performance is related to model size, and (5) the effect of initializing the metrics with different pretrained language models. The training recipes that we found to be most successful are detailed in this report.

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