Optimal Mechanisms for a Value Maximizer: The Futility of Screening Targets

Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC) (2024)


Motivated by the increased adoption of autobidding algorithms in internet advertising markets, we study the design of optimal mechanisms for selling items to a value-maximizing buyer with a return-on-spend constraint. The buyer's values and target ratio in the return-on-spend constraint are private. We restrict attention to deterministic sequential screening mechanisms that can be implemented as a menu of prices paid for purchasing an item or not. The main result of this paper is to provide a characterization of an optimal mechanism. Surprisingly, we show that the optimal mechanism does not require target screening, i.e., offering a single pair of prices is optimal for the seller. The optimal mechanism is a subsidized posted price that provides a subsidy to the buyer to encourage participation and then charges a fixed unit price for each item sold. The seller's problem is a challenging non-linear mechanism design problem, and a key technical contribution of our work is to provide a novel approach to analyze non-linear pricing contracts.

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