PowerNet for distributed Energy Resources

Anand Ramesh
Sangsun Kim
Jim Schmalzried
Jyoti Sastry
Michael Dikovsky {{+mdikovsky
Konstantin Bozhkov
Eduardo Pinheiro
Scott Collyer
Ankit Somani
Ram Rajagopal
Arun Majumdar
Junjie Qin
Gustavo Cezar
Juan Rivas
Abbas El Gamal
Dian Gruenich
Steven Chu
Sila Kiliccote
Conference: 2016 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), IEEE Power and Energy Society, Boston, MA, USA (2016)


We propose Powernet as an end-to-end open source technology for economically efficient, scalable and secure coordination of grid resources. It offers integrated hardware and software solutions that are judiciously divided between local embedded sensing, computing and control, which are networked with cloud-based high-level coordination for real-time optimal operations of not only centralized but also millions of distributed resources of various types. Our goal is to enable penetration of 50% or higher of intermittent renewables while minimizing the cost and address security and economical scalability challenges. In this paper we describe the basic concept behind Powernet and illustrate some components of the solution.