A Beginner’s Guide to Deep Neural Networks
September 22, 2015
Posted by Natalie Hammel and Lorraine Yurshansky, creators of Nat & Lo’s 20% Project
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Last year, we (a couple of people who knew nothing about how voice search works) set out to make a video about the research that’s gone into teaching computers to recognize speech and understand language.
Making the video was eye-opening and brain-opening. It introduced us to concepts we’d never heard of – like machine learning and artificial neural networks – and ever since, we’ve been kind of fascinated by them. Machine learning, in particular, is a very active area of Computer Science research, with far-ranging applications beyond voice search – like machine translation, image recognition and description, and Google Voice transcription.
So... still curious to know more (and having just started this project) we found Google researchers Greg Corrado and Christopher Olah and ambushed them with our machine learning questions.
This video is our attempt to distill what we learned from talking with them, but if anything in it piques your curiosity, or you have other questions, you’re in luck! On Friday, September 25, at 1 PM PDT / 4 PM EST Greg and Chris will be doing an Ask Me Anything on Reddit (see the calendar here) to answer your deep learning questions.
Everyone who’s curious is welcome to join, ask questions, and hopefully gain a better understanding of the world of machine learning and deep neural networks. (And we’ll be hanging out with them, too...in case you have any questions about video making or dogs.) We hope to see you this Friday!
- Machine Intelligence