A Summary of the Google Zürich Algorithms & Optimization Workshop

February 23, 2018

Posted by Silvio Lattanzi, Research Scientist, Google Zürich and Vahab Mirrokni, Research Scientist, Google New York

Recently, we hosted a workshop on Algorithms and Optimization in our office in Zürich, with the goal of fostering collaboration between researchers from academia and Google by providing a forum to exchange ideas in machine learning theory and large-scale graph mining. As part of the topics discussed, we additionally highlighted our aim to build a group similar to the NYC algorithms research team in Google’s Zürich office.

Silvio Lattanzi presenting the work of the Graph Mining team

The workshop was structured in five sessions (see the full agenda here), each consisting of talks by attendees that touched the following research areas:

Overall, it was a great day with many excellent talks and with many opportunities for discussing interesting problems. All the presentations, including videos, can be found on our workshop website, here.

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