Announcing the 2019 Google Faculty Research Award Recipients

February 24, 2020

Posted by Maggie Johnson, VP and Negar Saei, Program Manager, Google Research

In Fall 2019, we opened our annual call for the Google Faculty Research Awards, a program focused on supporting the world-class technical research in Computer Science, Engineering and related fields performed at academic institutions around the world. These awards give Google researchers the opportunity to partner with faculty who are doing impactful research, additionally covering tuition for a student.

This year we received 917 proposals from ~50 countries and over 330 universities, and had the opportunity to increase our investment in several research areas related to Health, Accessibility, AI for Social Good, and ML Fairness. All proposals went through an extensive review process involving 1100 expert reviewers across Google who assessed the proposals on merit, innovation, connection to Google’s products/services and alignment with our overall research philosophy.

As a result of these reviews, Google is funding 150 promising proposals across a wide range of research areas, from Machine Learning, Systems, Human Computer Interaction and many more, with 26% of the funding awarded to universities outside the United States. Additionally, 27% of our recipients this year identified as a historically underrepresented group within technology. This is just the beginning of a larger investment in underrepresented communities and we are looking forward to sharing our 2020 initiatives soon.

Congratulations to the well-deserving recipients of this round's awards. More information on our faculty funding programs can be found on our website.
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