Announcing the 2020 Google PhD Fellows

October 8, 2020

Posted by Susie Kim, Program Manager, University Relations

Google created the PhD Fellowship Program in 2009 to recognize and support outstanding graduate students who seek to influence the future of technology by pursuing exceptional research in computer science and related fields. Now in its twelfth year, these Fellowships have helped support approximately 500 graduate students globally in North America and Europe, Africa, Australia, East Asia, and India.

It is our ongoing goal to continue to support the academic community as a whole, and these Fellows as they make their mark on the world. We congratulate all of this year’s awardees!

Algorithms, Optimizations and Markets
Jan van den Brand, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Mahsa Derakhshan, University of Maryland, College Park
Sidhanth Mohanty, University of California, Berkeley

Computational Neuroscience
Connor Brennan, University of Pennsylvania

Human Computer Interaction
Abdelkareem Bedri, Carnegie Mellon University
Brendan David-John, University of Florida
Hiromu Yakura, University of Tsukuba
Manaswi Saha, University of Washington
Muratcan Cicek, University of California, Santa Cruz
Prashan Madumal, University of Melbourne

Machine Learning
Alon Brutzkus, Tel Aviv University
Chin-Wei Huang, Universite de Montreal
Eli Sherman, Johns Hopkins University
Esther Rolf, University of California, Berkeley
Imke Mayer, Fondation Sciences Mathématique de Paris
Jean Michel Sarr, Cheikh Anta Diop University
Lei Bai, University of New South Wales
Nontawat Charoenphakdee, The University of Tokyo
Preetum Nakkiran, Harvard University
Sravanti Addepalli, Indian Institute of Science
Taesik Gong, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Vihari Piratla, Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay
Vishakha Patil, Indian Institute of Science
Wilson Tsakane Mongwe, University of Johannesburg
Xinshi Chen, Georgia Institute of Technology
Yadan Luo, University of Queensland

Machine Perception, Speech Technology and Computer Vision
Benjamin van Niekerk, University of Stellenbosch
Eric Heiden, University of Southern California
Gyeongsik Moon, Seoul National University
Hou-Ning Hu, National Tsing Hua University
Nan Wu, New York University
Shaoshuai Shi, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Yaman Kumar, Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology - Delhi
Yifan Liu, University of Adelaide
Yu Wu, University of Technology Sydney
Zhengqi Li, Cornell University

Mobile Computing
Xiaofan Zhang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Natural Language Processing
Anjalie Field, Carnegie Mellon University
Mingda Chen, Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago
Shang-Yu Su, National Taiwan University
Yanai Elazar, Bar-Ilan

Privacy and Security
Julien Gamba, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Shuwen Deng, Yale University
Yunusa Simpa Abdulsalm, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University

Programming Technology and Software Engineering
Adriana Sejfia, University of Southern California
John Cyphert, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Quantum Computing
Amira Abbas, University of KwaZulu-Natal
Mozafari Ghoraba Fereshte, EPFL

Structured Data and Database Management
Yanqing Peng, University of Utah

Systems and Networking
Huynh Nguyen Van, University of Technology Sydney
Michael Sammler, Saarland University, MPI-SWS
Sihang Liu, University of Virginia
Yun-Zhan Cai, National Cheng Kung University

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