Exploring New Ways to Support Faculty Research

March 26, 2020

Posted by Maggie Johnson, VP, Google Research

For the past 15 years, the Google Faculty Research Award Program has helped support world-class technical research in computer science, engineering, and related fields, funding over 2000 academics at ~400 Universities in 50+ countries since its inception. As Google Research continues to evolve, we continually explore new ways to improve our support of the broader research community, specifically on how to support new faculty while also strengthening our existing collaborations .

To achieve this goal, we are introducing two new programs aimed at diversifying our support across a larger community. Moving forward, these programs will replace the Faculty Research Award program, allowing us to better engage with, and support, up-and-coming researchers:

The Research Scholar Program supports early-career faculty (those who have received their doctorate within the past 7 years) who are doing impactful research in fields relevant to Google, and is intended to help to develop new collaborations and encourage long term relationships. This program will be open for applications in Fall 2020, and we encourage submissions from faculty at universities around the world.

We will also be piloting the Award for Inclusion Research Program, which will recognize and support research that addresses the needs of historically underrepresented populations. This Summer we will invite faculty—both directly and via their institutions—to submit their research proposals for consideration later this year, and we will notify award recipients by year's end.

These programs will complement our existing support of academic research around the world, including the Latin America Research Awards, the PhD Fellowship Program, the Visiting Researcher Program and research grant funding. To explore other ways we are supporting the research community, please visit this page. As always, we encourage faculty to review our publication database for overlapping research interests for collaboration opportunities, and apply to the above programs. We look forward to working with you!
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