Google Research Awards: Fall 2015
February 12, 2016
Posted by Maggie Johnson, Director of Education and University Relations
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Please Note: Due to changes in the program, the new deadline for the 2016 Google Faculty Research Awards is September 30th, 11:59 PM PDT, and not October 15th, as shown below.
We have just completed another round of the Google Research Awards, our annual open call for proposals on computer science and related topics including machine learning, speech recognition, natural language processing, and computational neuroscience. Our grants cover tuition for a graduate student and provide both faculty and students the opportunity to work directly with Google researchers and engineers.
This round we received 950 proposals, an increase of 18% over last round, covering 55 countries and over 350 universities. After expert reviews and committee discussions, we decided to fund 151 projects. This round we increased our support of machine learning projects increased by 71% from last round. Physical interfaces and immersive experiences, a relatively new area for the Google Research Awards, saw a 19% increase in the number of submitted proposals.
Congratulations to the well-deserving recipients of this round’s awards. If you are interested in applying for the next round (deadline is October 15), please visit our website for more information. Please note that we are now moving to an annual cycle.
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