Image Compression with Neural Networks

September 29, 2016

Posted by Nick Johnston and David Minnen, Software Engineers

Data compression is used nearly everywhere on the internet - the videos you watch online, the images you share, the music you listen to, even the blog you're reading right now. Compression techniques make sharing the content you want quick and efficient. Without data compression, the time and bandwidth costs for getting the information you need, when you need it, would be exorbitant!

In "Full Resolution Image Compression with Recurrent Neural Networks", we expand on our previous research on data compression using neural networks, exploring whether machine learning can provide better results for image compression like it has for image recognition and text summarization. Furthermore, we are releasing our compression model via TensorFlow so you can experiment with compressing your own images with our network.

We introduce an architecture that uses a new variant of the Gated Recurrent Unit (a type of RNN that allows units to save activations and process sequences) called Residual Gated Recurrent Unit (Residual GRU). Our Residual GRU combines existing GRUs with the residual connections introduced in "Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition" to achieve significant image quality gains for a given compression rate. Instead of using a DCT to generate a new bit representation like many compression schemes in use today, we train two sets of neural networks - one to create the codes from the image (encoder) and another to create the image from the codes (decoder).

Our system works by iteratively refining a reconstruction of the original image, with both the encoder and decoder using Residual GRU layers so that additional information can pass from one iteration to the next. Each iteration adds more bits to the encoding, which allows for a higher quality reconstruction. Conceptually, the network operates as follows:
  1. The initial residual, R[0], corresponds to the original image I: R[0] = I.
  2. Set i=1 for to the first iteration.
  3. Iteration[i] takes R[i-1] as input and runs the encoder and binarizer to compress the image into B[i].
  4. Iteration[i] runs the decoder on B[i] to generate a reconstructed image P[i].
  5. The residual for Iteration[i] is calculated: R[i] = I - P[i].
  6. Set i=i+1 and go to Step 3 (up to the desired number of iterations).
The residual image represents how different the current version of the compressed image is from the original. This image is then given as input to the network with the goal of removing the compression errors from the next version of the compressed image. The compressed image is now represented by the concatenation of B[1] through B[N]. For larger values of N, the decoder gets more information on how to reduce the errors and generate a higher quality reconstruction of the original image.

To understand how this works, consider the following example of the first two iterations of the image compression network, shown in the figures below. We start with an image of a lighthouse. On the first pass through the network, the original image is given as an input (R[0] = I). P[1] is the reconstructed image. The difference between the original image and encoded image is the residual, R[1], which represents the error in the compression.
Left: Original image, I = R[0]. Center: Reconstructed image, P[1]. Right: the residual, R[1], which represents the error introduced by compression.
On the second pass through the network, R[1] is given as the network’s input (see figure below). A higher quality image P[2] is then created. So how does the system recreate such a good image (P[2], center panel below) from the residual R[1]? Because the model uses recurrent nodes with memory, the network saves information from each iteration that it can use in the next one. It learned something about the original image in Iteration[1] that is used along with R[1] to generate a better P[2] from B[2]. Lastly, a new residual, R[2] (right), is generated by subtracting P[2] from the original image. This time the residual is smaller since there are fewer differences between the reconstructed image, and what we started with.
The second pass through the network. Left: R[1] is given as input. Center: A higher quality reconstruction, P[2]. Right: A smaller residual R[2] is generated by subtracting P[2] from the original image.
At each further iteration, the network gains more information about the errors introduced by compression (which is captured by the residual image). If it can use that information to predict the residuals even a little bit, the result is a better reconstruction. Our models are able to make use of the extra bits up to a point. We see diminishing returns, and at some point the representational power of the network is exhausted.

To demonstrate file size and quality differences, we can take a photo of Vash, a Japanese Chin, and generate two compressed images, one JPEG and one Residual GRU. Both images target a perceptual similarity of 0.9 MS-SSIM, a perceptual quality metric that reaches 1.0 for identical images. The image generated by our learned model results in an file 25% smaller than JPEG.
Left: Original image (1419 KB PNG) at ~1.0 MS-SSIM. Center: JPEG (33 KB) at ~0.9 MS-SSIM. Right: Residual GRU (24 KB) at ~0.9 MS-SSIM. This is 25% smaller for a comparable image quality
Taking a look around his nose and mouth, we see that our method doesn’t have the magenta blocks and noise in the middle of the image as seen in JPEG. This is due to the blocking artifacts produced by JPEG, whereas our compression network works on the entire image at once. However, there's a tradeoff -- in our model the details of the whiskers and texture are lost, but the system shows great promise in reducing artifacts.
Left: Original. Center: JPEG. Right: Residual GRU.
While today’s commonly used codecs perform well, our work shows that using neural networks to compress images results in a compression scheme with higher quality and smaller file sizes. To learn more about the details of our research and a comparison of other recurrent architectures, check out our paper. Our future work will focus on even better compression quality and faster models, so stay tuned!

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