Say hello to the Enigma conference

August 18, 2015

Posted by Elie Bursztein - Anti-abuse team, Parisa Tabriz - Chrome Security and Niels Provos - Security team

USENIX Enigma is a new conference focused on security, privacy and electronic crime through the lens of emerging threats and novel attacks. The goal of this conference is to help industry, academic, and public-sector practitioners better understand the threat landscape. Enigma will have a single track of 30-minute talks that are curated by a panel of experts, featuring strong technical content with practical applications to current and emerging threats.
Google is excited to both sponsor and help USENIX build Enigma, since we share many of its core principles: transparency, openness, and cutting-edge security research. Furthermore, we are proud to provide Enigma with with engineering and design support, as well as volunteer participation in program and steering committees.

The first instantiation of Enigma will be held January 25-27 in San Francisco. You can sign up for more information about the conference or propose a talk through the official conference site at
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