Chris Welty
His first project at Google was launched as Explore in Google Docs, and then on improving the quality and expanding the coverage of price level labels on maps using user signals. Before Google, Dr. Welty was a member of the technical leadership team for IBM's Watson - the question answering computer that defeated the all-time best Jeopardy! champions in a widely televised contest. He appeared on the broadcast, discussing the technology behind Watson, as well as many articles in the popular and scientific press. His proudest moment was being interviewed for StarTrek.com about the project. He is a recipient of the AAAI Feigenbaum Prize for his work.
Welty has played a seminal role in the development of the Semantic Web and Ontologies, and co-developed OntoClean, the first formal methodology for evaluating ontologies. He is on the editorial board of AI Magazine, the Journal of Applied Ontology, the Journal of Web Semantics, and the Semantic Web Journal. He is currently an editor for the AI Magazine column, "AI Bookies" to foster science bets on the progress of AI. He published many papers before those shown below, see his Google Scholar entry.