Sen Zhao
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Multidimensional Shape Constraints
Maya R. Gupta
Erez Louidor
Olexander Mangylov
Nobuyuki Morioka
Taman Narayan
ICML 2020 (2020)
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We propose new multi-input shape constraints across four intuitive categories: complements, diminishers, dominance, and unimodality constraints. We show these shape constraints can be checked and even enforced when training machine-learned models for linear models, generalized additive models, and the nonlinear function class of multi-layer lattice models. Toy examples and real-world experiments illustrate how the different shape constraints can be used to increase interpretability and better regularize machine-learned models.
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Metric-Optimized Example Weights
Mahdi Milani Fard
Maya Gupta
Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR, Long Beach, California, USA (2019), pp. 7533-7542
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Real-world machine learning applications often have complex test metrics, and may have training and test data that are not identically distributed. Motivated by known connections between complex test metrics and cost-weighted learning, we propose addressing these issues by using a weighted loss function with a standard loss, where the weights on the training examples are learned to optimize the test metric on a validation set. These metric-optimized example weights can be learned for any test metric, including black box and customized ones for specific applications. We illustrate the performance of the proposed method on diverse public benchmark datasets and real-world applications. We also provide a generalization bound for the method.
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Advances and Open Problems in Federated Learning
Brendan Avent
Aurélien Bellet
Mehdi Bennis
Arjun Nitin Bhagoji
Graham Cormode
Rachel Cummings
Rafael G.L. D'Oliveira
Salim El Rouayheb
David Evans
Josh Gardner
Adrià Gascón
Phillip B. Gibbons
Marco Gruteser
Zaid Harchaoui
Chaoyang He
Lie He
Zhouyuan Huo
Justin Hsu
Martin Jaggi
Tara Javidi
Gauri Joshi
Mikhail Khodak
Jakub Konečný
Aleksandra Korolova
Farinaz Koushanfar
Sanmi Koyejo
Tancrède Lepoint
Yang Liu
Prateek Mittal
Richard Nock
Ayfer Özgür
Rasmus Pagh
Ramesh Raskar
Dawn Song
Weikang Song
Sebastian U. Stich
Ziteng Sun
Florian Tramèr
Praneeth Vepakomma
Jianyu Wang
Li Xiong
Qiang Yang
Felix X. Yu
Han Yu
Arxiv (2019)
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Federated learning (FL) is a machine learning setting where many clients (e.g., mobile devices or whole organizations) collaboratively train a model under the orchestration of a central server (e.g., service provider), while keeping the training data decentralized. FL embodies the principles of focused data collection and minimization, and mitigates many of the systemic privacy risks and costs resulting from traditional, centralized machine learning and data science approaches. Motivated by the explosive growth in FL research, this paper discusses recent advances and presents a comprehensive list of open problems and challenges.
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Kernel-Penalized Regression for Analysis of Microbiome Data
Timothy W. Randolph
Wade Copeland
Meredith Hullar
Ali Shojaie
Annals of Applied Statistics, 12 (2018), pp. 540-566
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The analysis of human microbiome data is often based on dimension reduced graphical displays and clusterings derived from vectors of microbial abundances in each sample. Common to these ordination methods is the use of biologically motivated definitions of similarity. Principal coordinate analysis, in particular, is often performed using ecologically defined distances, allowing analyses to incorporate context-dependent, non-Euclidean structure. In this paper, we go beyond dimension-reduced ordination methods and describe a framework of high-dimensional regression models that extends these distance-based methods. In particular, we use kernel-based methods to show how to incorporate a variety of extrinsic information, such as phylogeny, into penalized regression models that estimate taxon specific associations with a phenotype or clinical outcome. Further, we show how this regression framework can be used to address the compositional nature of multivariate predictors comprised of relative abundances; that is, vectors whose entries sum to a constant. We illustrate this approach with several simulations using data from two recent studies on gut and vaginal microbiomes. We conclude with an application to our own data, where we also incorporate a significance test for the estimated coefficients that represent associations between microbial abundance and a percent fat.
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