William W. Cohen
Dr. Cohen is a past president of the International Machine Learning Society. In the past he has also served as an action editor for the the AI and Machine Learning series of books published by Morgan Claypool, for the journal Machine Learning, the journal Artificial Intelligence, the Journal of Machine Learning Research, and the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research. He was General Chair for the 2008 International Machine Learning Conference, held July 6-9 at the University of Helsinki, in Finland; Program Co-Chair of the 2006 International Machine Learning Conference; and Co-Chair of the 1994 International Machine Learning Conference. Dr. Cohen was also the co-Chair for the 3rd Int'l AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media, which was held May 17-20, 2009 in San Jose, and was the co-Program Chair for the 4rd Int'l AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media. He is a AAAI Fellow, and was a winner of the 2008 the SIGMOD "Test of Time" Award for the most influential SIGMOD paper of 1998, and the 2014 SIGIR "Test of Time" Award for the most influential SIGIR paper of 2002-2004.
Dr. Cohen's research interests include information integration and machine learning, particularly information extraction, text categorization and learning from large datasets. He has a long-standing interest in statistical relational learning and learning models, or learning from data, that display non-trivial structure. He holds seven patents related to learning, discovery, information retrieval, and data integration, and is the author of more than 200 publications.