Shaleen Kumar Gupta

Shaleen Kumar Gupta

Shaleen works on Google Search's ranking team to design, build and improve next generation deep learning models for semi-structured document ranking and retrieval. He received his Masters degree from the Language Technologies Institute (LTI), School of Computer Science Institute at Carnegie Mellon University where he worked on various NLU and multimodal ML problems. His capstone project, titled "Hinglish Code-Mixed AI Conversational Agents" was advised by Prof. Alan Black.
Authored Publications
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    End-to-End Query Term Weighting
    Karan Samel
    Swaraj Khadanga
    Wensong Xu
    Xingyu Wang
    Kashyap Kolipaka
    Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD '23) (2023)
    Preview abstract Bag-of-words based lexical retrieval systems are still the most commonly used methods for real-world search applications. Recently deep learning methods have shown promising results to improve this retrieval performance but are expensive to run in an online fashion, non-trivial to integrate into existing production systems, and might not generalize well in out-of-domain retrieval scenarios. Instead, we build on top of lexical retrievers by proposing a Term Weighting BERT (TW-BERT) model. TW-BERT learns to predict the weight for individual n-gram (e.g., uni-grams and bi-grams) query input terms. These inferred weights and terms can be used directly by a retrieval system to perform a query search. To optimize these term weights, TW-BERT incorporates the scoring function used by the search engine, such as BM25, to score query-document pairs. Given sample query-document pairs we can compute a ranking loss over these matching scores, optimizing the learned query term weights in an end-to-end fashion. Aligning TW-BERT with search engine scorers minimizes the changes needed to integrate it into existing production applications, whereas existing deep learning based search methods would require further infrastructure optimization and hardware requirements. The learned weights can be easily utilized by standard lexical retrievers and by other retrieval techniques such as query expansion. We show that TW-BERT improves retrieval performance over strong term weighting baselines within MSMARCO and in out-of-domain retrieval on TREC datasets. View details
    Multi-Aspect Dense Retrieval
    Swaraj Khadanga
    Wensong Xu
    Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, ACM (2022)
    Preview abstract Prior work in Dense Retrieval usually encodes queries and documents using single-vector representations (also called embeddings) and performs retrieval in the embedding space using approximate nearest neighbor search. This paradigm enables efficient semantic retrieval. However, the single-vector representations can be ineffective at capturing different aspects of the queries and documents in relevance matching, especially for some vertical domains. For example, in e-commerce search, these aspects could be category, brand and color. Given a query "white nike socks", a Dense Retrieval model may mistakenly retrieve some "white adidas socks" while missing out the intended brand. We propose to explicitly represent multiple aspects using one embedding per aspect. We introduce an aspect prediction task to teach the model to capture aspect information with particular aspect embeddings. We design a lightweight network to fuse the aspect embeddings for representing queries and documents. Our evaluation using an e-commerce dataset shows impressive improvements over strong Dense Retrieval baselines. We also discover that the proposed aspect embeddings can enhance the interpretability of Dense Retrieval models as a byproduct. View details