Adam Brown

Adam Brown

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    Preview abstract AI-powered software development tooling is changing the way that developers interact with tools and write code. However, the ability for AI to truly transform software development depends on developers' level of trust in the tools. In this work, we take a mixed methods approach to measuring the factors that influence developers' trust in AI-powered code completion. We identified that familiarity with AI suggestions, quality of the suggestion, and level of expertise with the language all increased acceptance rate of AI-powered suggestions. While suggestion length and presence in a test file decreased acceptance rates. Based on these findings we propose recommendations for the design of AI-powered development tools to improve trust. View details
    Preview abstract Beyond self-report data, we lack reliable and non-intrusive methods for identifying flow. However, taking a step back and acknowledging that flow occurs during periods of focus gives us the opportunity to make progress towards measuring flow by isolating focused work. Here, we take a mixed-methods approach to design a logs based metric that leverages machine learning and a comprehensive collection of logs data to identify periods of related actions (indicating focus), and validate this metric against self-reported time in focus or flow using diary data and quarterly survey data. Our results indicate that we can determine when software engineers at a large technology company experience focused work which includes instances of flow. This metric speaks to engineering work, but can be leveraged in other domains to non-disruptively measure when people experience focus. Future research can build upon this work to identify signals associated with other facets of flow. View details
    Preview abstract In this installment of Developer Productivity for Humans, we present two lines of research emphasizing the human experience in measuring developer productivity: the experience of flow or focus and the experience of friction during development. View details