Alexander Bilmes
PhD in physics at KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany: on developing superconducting quantum detectors for tunneling two-level-systems (TLS), and on TLS research in readily-made superconducting qubits. Expert in microfabrication and design of superconducting quantum circuits, as well as in cryogenic operation and quantum manipulation of superconducting qubits.
Research Areas
Authored Publications
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Dynamics of magnetization at infinite temperature in a Heisenberg spin chain
Trond Andersen
Rhine Samajdar
Andre Petukhov
Jesse Hoke
Dmitry Abanin
ILYA Drozdov
Xiao Mi
Alexis Morvan
Charles Neill
Rajeev Acharya
Richard Ross Allen
Kyle Anderson
Markus Ansmann
Frank Arute
Kunal Arya
Juan Atalaya
Gina Bortoli
Alexandre Bourassa
Leon Brill
Michael Broughton
Bob Buckley
Tim Burger
Nicholas Bushnell
Juan Campero
Hung-Shen Chang
Jimmy Chen
Benjamin Chiaro
Desmond Chik
Josh Cogan
Roberto Collins
Paul Conner
William Courtney
Alex Crook
Ben Curtin
Agustin Di Paolo
Andrew Dunsworth
Clint Earle
Lara Faoro
Edward Farhi
Reza Fatemi
Vinicius Ferreira
Ebrahim Forati
Brooks Foxen
Gonzalo Garcia
Élie Genois
William Giang
Dar Gilboa
Raja Gosula
Alejo Grajales Dau
Steve Habegger
Michael Hamilton
Monica Hansen
Sean Harrington
Paula Heu
Gordon Hill
Markus Hoffmann
Trent Huang
Ashley Huff
Bill Huggins
Sergei Isakov
Justin Iveland
Cody Jones
Pavol Juhas
Marika Kieferova
Alexei Kitaev
Andrey Klots
Alexander Korotkov
Fedor Kostritsa
John Mark Kreikebaum
Dave Landhuis
Pavel Laptev
Kim Ming Lau
Lily Laws
Joonho Lee
Kenny Lee
Yuri Lensky
Alexander Lill
Wayne Liu
Salvatore Mandra
Orion Martin
Steven Martin
Seneca Meeks
Amanda Mieszala
Shirin Montazeri
Ramis Movassagh
Wojtek Mruczkiewicz
Ani Nersisyan
Michael Newman
JiunHow Ng
Murray Ich Nguyen
Tom O'Brien
Seun Omonije
Alex Opremcak
Rebecca Potter
Leonid Pryadko
David Rhodes
Charles Rocque
Negar Saei
Kannan Sankaragomathi
Henry Schurkus
Christopher Schuster
Mike Shearn
Aaron Shorter
Noah Shutty
Vladimir Shvarts
Vlad Sivak
Jindra Skruzny
Clarke Smith
Rolando Somma
George Sterling
Doug Strain
Marco Szalay
Doug Thor
Alfredo Torres
Guifre Vidal
Cheng Xing
Jamie Yao
Ping Yeh
Juhwan Yoo
Grayson Young
Yaxing Zhang
Ningfeng Zhu
Jeremy Hilton
Anthony Megrant
Yu Chen
Vadim Smelyanskiy
Vedika Khemani
Sarang Gopalakrishnan
Tomaž Prosen
Science, 384 (2024), pp. 48-53
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Understanding universal aspects of quantum dynamics is an unresolved problem in statistical mechanics. In particular, the spin dynamics of the one-dimensional Heisenberg model were conjectured as to belong to the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality class based on the scaling of the infinite-temperature spin-spin correlation function. In a chain of 46 superconducting qubits, we studied the probability distribution of the magnetization transferred across the chain’s center, P(M). The first two moments of P(M) show superdiffusive behavior, a hallmark of KPZ universality. However, the third and fourth moments ruled out the KPZ conjecture and allow for evaluating other theories. Our results highlight the importance of studying higher moments in determining dynamic universality classes and provide insights into universal behavior in quantum systems.
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Realizing topologically ordered states on a quantum processor
Y.-J. Liu
A. Smith
C. Knapp
M. Newman
N. C. Jones
Z. Chen
X. Mi
A. Dunsworth
I. Aleiner
F. Arute
K. Arya
J. Atalaya
R. Barends
J. Basso
M. Broughton
B. B. Buckley
N. Bushnell
B. Chiaro
R. Collins
W. Courtney
A. R Derk
D. Eppens
L. Faoro
E. Farhi
B. Foxen
A. Greene
S. D. Harrington
J. Hilton
T. Huang
W. J. Huggins
S. V. Isakov
K. Kechedzhi
A. N. Korotkov
F. Kostritsa
D. Landhuis
P. Laptev
O. Martin
M. Mohseni
S. Montazeri
W. Mruczkiewicz
J. Mutus
C. Neill
T. E. O'Brien
A. Opremcak
B. Pato
A. Petukhov
V. Shvarts
D. Strain
M. Szalay
Z. Yao
P. Yeh
J. Yoo
A. Megrant
Y. Chen
V. Smelyanskiy
A. Kitaev
M. Knap
F. Pollmann
Science, 374 (2021), pp. 1237-1241
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The discovery of topological order has revolutionized the understanding of quantum matter in modern physics and provided the theoretical foundation for many quantum error correcting codes. Realizing topologically ordered states has proven to be extremely challenging in both condensed matter and synthetic quantum systems. Here, we prepare the ground state of the emblematic toric code Hamiltonian using an efficient quantum circuit on a superconducting quantum processor. We measure a topological entanglement entropy of Stopo ≈ −0.95 × ln 2 and simulate anyon interferometry to extract the braiding statistics of the emergent excitations. Furthermore, we investigate key aspects of the surface code, including logical state injection and the decay of the non-local order parameter. Our results illustrate the topological nature of these states and demonstrate their potential for implementing the surface code.
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Resolving catastrophic error bursts from cosmic rays in large arrays of superconducting qubits
Lara Faoro
Kunal Arya
Andrew Dunsworth
Trent Huang
Frank Arute
Bob B. Buckley
Nicholas Bushnell
Jimmy Chen
Roberto Collins
Alan R. Derk
Sean Harrington
Fedor Kostritsa
Pavel Laptev
Xiao Mi
Shirin Montazeri
Josh Mutus
Charles Neill
Alex Opremcak
Nicholas Redd
Vladimir Shvarts
Jamie Yao
Ping Yeh
Juhwan Yoo
Yu Chen
Vadim Smelyanskiy
John Martinis
Anthony Megrant
Rami Barends
Nature Physics (2021)
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Scalable quantum computing can become a reality with error correction, provided that coherent qubits can be constructed in large arrays. The key premise is that physical errors can remain both small and sufficiently uncorrelated as devices scale, so that logical error rates can be exponentially suppressed. However, impacts from cosmic rays and latent radioactivity violate these assumptions. An impinging particle can ionize the substrate and induce a burst of quasiparticles that destroys qubit coherence throughout the device. High-energy radiation has been identified as a source of error in pilot superconducting quantum devices, but the effect on large-scale algorithms and error correction remains an open question. Elucidating the physics involved requires operating large numbers of qubits at the same rapid timescales necessary for error correction. Here, we use space- and time-resolved measurements of a large-scale quantum processor to identify bursts of quasiparticles produced by high-energy rays. We track the events from their initial localized impact as they spread, simultaneously and severely limiting the energy coherence of all qubits and causing chip-wide failure. Our results provide direct insights into the impact of these damaging error bursts and highlight the necessity of mitigation to enable quantum computing to scale.
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