Andrew Liu

Andrew Liu

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    Preview abstract We introduce the problem of perpetual view generation—long-range generation of novel views corresponding to an arbitrarily long camera trajectory given a single image. This is a challenging problem that goes far beyond the capabilities of current view synthesis methods, which work for a limited range of viewpoints and quickly degenerate when presented with a large camera motion. Methods designed for video generation also have limited ability to produce long video sequences and are often agnostic to scene geometry. We take a hybrid approach that integrates both geometry and image synthesis in an iterative render, refine, and repeat framework, allowing for long-range generation that cover large distances after hundreds of frames. Our approach can be trained from a set of monocular video sequences without any manual annotation. We propose a dataset of aerial footage of natural coastal scenes, and compare our method with recent view synthesis and conditional video generation baselines, showing that it can generate plausible scenes for much longer time horizons over large camera trajectories compared to existing methods. View details
    Learning to Factorize and Relight a City
    Shiry Ginosar
    Tinghui Zhou
    Alexei A. Efros
    European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) (2020)
    Preview abstract We propose a learning-based framework for disentangling outdoor scenes into temporally-varying illumination and permanent scene factors. Inspired by the classic intrinsic image decomposition, our learning signal builds upon two insights: 1) combining the disentangled factors should reconstruct the original image, and 2) the permanent factors should stay constant across multiple temporal samples of the same scene. To facilitate training, we assemble a city-scale dataset of outdoor timelapse imagery from Google Street View, where the same locations are captured repeatedly through time. This data represents an unprecedented scale of spatio-temporal outdoor imagery. We show that our learned disentangled factors can be used to manipulate novel images in realistic ways, such as changing lighting effects and scene geometry. View details