Collin Winter

Authored Publications
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    Do Developers Learn New Tools On The Toilet?
    Emerson Murphy-Hill
    Edward K. Smith
    Caitlin Sadowski
    Andrea Knight Dolan
    Andrew Trenk
    Steve Gross
    Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Software Engineering
    Preview abstract Maintaining awareness of useful tools is a substantial challenge for developers. Physical newsletters are a simple technique to inform developers about tools. In this paper, we evaluate such a technique, called Testing on the Toilet, by performing a mixed-methods case study. We first quantitatively evaluate how effective this technique is by applying statistical causal inference over six years of data about tools used by thousands of developers. We then qualitatively contextualize these results by interviewing and surveying 382 developers, from authors to editors to readers. We found that the technique was generally effective at increasing software development tool use, although the increase varied depending on factors such as the breadth of applicability of the tool, the extent to which the tool has reached saturation, and the memorability of the tool name. View details
    What Predicts Software Developers’ Productivity?
    Emerson Murphy-Hill
    Caitlin Sadowski
    David C. Shepherd
    Michael Phillips
    Andrea Knight Dolan
    Edward K. Smith
    Transactions on Software Engineering (2019)
    Preview abstract Organizations have a variety of options to help their software developers become their most productive selves, from modifying office layouts, to investing in better tools, to cleaning up the source code. But which options will have the biggest impact? Drawing from the literature in software engineering and industrial/organizational psychology to identify factors that correlate with productivity, we designed a survey that asked 622 developers across 3 companies about these productivity factors and about self-rated productivity. Our results suggest that the factors that most strongly correlate with self-rated productivity were non-technical factors, such as job enthusiasm, peer support for new ideas, and receiving useful feedback about job performance. Compared to other knowledge workers, our results also suggest that software developers’ self-rated productivity is more strongly related to task variety and ability to work remotely. View details
    Advantages and Disadvantages of a Monolithic Codebase
    Andrea Knight
    Caitlin Sadowski
    Edward K. Smith
    Emerson Murphy-Hill
    International Conference on Software Engineering, Software Engineering in Practice track (ICSE SEIP) (2018)
    Preview abstract Monolithic source code repositories (repos) are used by several large tech companies, but little is known about their advantages or disadvantages compared to multiple per-project repos. This paper investigates the relative tradeoffs by utilizing a mixed-methods approach. Our primary contribution is a survey of engineers who have experience with both monolithic repos and multiple, per-project repos. This paper also backs up the claims made by these engineers with a large-scale analysis of developer tool logs. Our study finds that the visibility of the codebase is a significant advantage of a monolithic repo: it enables engineers to discover APIs to reuse, find examples for using an API, and automatically have dependent code updated as an API migrates to a new version. Engineers also appreciate the centralization of dependency management in the repo. In contrast, multiple-repository (multi-repo) systems afford engineers more flexibility to select their own toolchains and provide significant access control and stability benefits. In both cases, the related tooling is also a significant factor; engineers favor particular tools and are drawn to repo management systems that support their desired toolchain. View details
    Discovering API Usability Problems at Scale
    Emerson Murphy-Hill
    Caitlin Sadowski
    Andrew Head
    International Workshop on API Usage and Evolution (WAPI) (2018)
    Preview abstract Software developers’ productivity can be negatively impacted by using APIs incorrectly. In this paper, we describe an analysis technique we designed to find API usability problems by comparing successive file-level changes made by individual software developers. We applied our tool, StopMotion, to the file histories of real developers doing real tasks at Google. The results reveal several API usability challenges including simple typos, conceptual API misalignments, and conflation of similar APIs. View details
    Tricorder: Building a Program Analysis Ecosystem
    Caitlin Sadowski
    Emma Soederberg
    International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) (2015)
    Preview abstract Static analysis tools help developers find bugs, improve code readability, and ensure consistent style across a project. However, these tools can be difficult to smoothly integrate with each other and into the developer workflow, particularly when scaling to large codebases. We present Tricorder, a program analysis platform aimed at building a data-driven ecosystem around program analysis. We present a set of guiding principles for our program analysis tools and a scalable architecture for an analysis platform implementing these principles. We include an empirical, in-situ evaluation of the tool as it is used by developers across Google that shows the usefulness and impact of the platform. View details