David Weiss
My research focuses on improving machine learning for tough, practical applications that have difficult constraints. At Google my team works to scale ML for natural language processing.
Some of our notable projects are SyntaxNet and Parsey McParseface, and the Chrome Compact Language Detector, which runs on all devices.
Prior to Google: I completed my Ph.D in 2014 at the University of Pennsylvania with Ben Taskar, as part of the GRASP Lab. Previously, I was a research specialist at the Princeton Computational Memory Lab, and I graduated from Princeton University with a degree in Computer Science and a certificate in Neuroscience in 2007. My advisors were Dave Blei (CS) and Ken Norman (Psychology).
Fun fact: I was a member of Team Dinosaur Planet, Grand Prize Team, and The Ensemble, the greatest Netflix Prize wrecking crew ever created. Our team was written up in the New York Times.