Roy Want

Roy Want

Dr. Roy Want graduated from Cambridge University, England in 1988. He is currently a Research Scientist at Google. Previous positions include Sr. Principal Engineer at Intel Corporation, and a Principal Scientist at Xerox PARC. He holds the grade of ACM and IEEE Fellow. His research interests include mobile and ubiquitous computing, distributed systems, context-aware operation, and electronic identification. He has more than 25 years’ experience working in the field of mobile computing. He served as the Editor-in-chief for IEEE Pervasive Computing from 2006-2009, and he is currently the Past Chair for ACM SIGMOBILE. To date, he has authored or co-authored more than 85 publications, with 100+ issued patents in this area. For more information about Dr. Want's academic and industrial achievements see
Authored Publications
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    Bluetooth low energy in dense IoT environments
    Albert F Harris III
    Vansh Khanna
    Guliz Seray Tuncay
    Robin Kravets
    IEEE Communications Magazine (2016)
    Preview abstract Bluetooth Low Energy was designed as a low-power alternative to classic Bluetooth. However, the use of BLE in dense Internet of Things deployments results in high collision rates and wasted energy. To alleviate some of this contention, we present opportunistic listening, an extension to BLE active mode targeting IoT deployments with large numbers of tags and small numbers of scanning devices. For dense deployments of passive advertising devices, we present the design of Smart LaBLEs (BLE-enabled, electronic, de-centralized hubs), which aggregate multiple advertisements across similar products in a retail environment. View details
    Preview abstract We have come a long way since the IEEE Computer article by Mark Weiser in which he envisioned small connected computers that ubiquitously enhance all aspects of our life. In this opening article of the IEEE IoT Connection, we put forward our analysis of the architectural leitmotifs we should pursue for the Internet of Things ecosystem in order to repeat the staggering success of the Internet that resulted in the introduction of the World Wide Web. By success, we mean the economic value, social and technological innovation these platforms have brought to the world. View details
    The Power of Smartphones
    IEEE Pervasive Computing, 13-03 (2014), pp. 76-79
    Preview abstract If you’re new to power monitoring in the mobile design process, either when building mobile hardware or writing software-based applications, this article will point you in the right direction, helping you identify what characteristics to consider and what test equipment to use. View details
    Argos: Building a Web-Centric Application Platform on Top of Android
    Rich Gossweiler
    Colin McDonough
    IEEE Pervasive Computing, 10(4) (2011), pp. 10-14
    Preview abstract How do you combine the strengths of the Web with the native capabilities of the phone? Anyone who has learned how to write a native mobile application knows that it's not straightforward. If developers could apply their knowledge of designing Web applications to smartphone application design, they could leverage years of experience to rapidly accelerate phone application development. In this article, we describe the approach, introduce the Argos system, compare Argos with related platforms, detail its architecture, and discuss current conclusions and future work. View details