LLP-Bench: A Large Scale Tabular Benchmark for Learning from Label Proportions

Anand Brahmbhatt
Mohith Pokala
Proc. CIKM Applied Research Track (2024)


With large neural models becoming increasingly accurate and powerful, they have raised privacy and transparency concerns on data usage. Therefore, data platforms, regulations and user expectations are rapidly evolving leading to enforcing privacy via aggregation. We focus on the use case of online advertising where the emergence of aggregate data is imminent and can significantly impact the multi- billion dollar industry. In aggregated datasets, labels are assigned to groups of data points rather than individual data points. This leads to a formulation of a weakly supervised task - Learning from Label Proportions where a model is trained on groups (a.k.a bags) of instances and their corresponding label proportions to predict labels for individual instances. While learning on aggregate data due to privacy concerns is becoming increasingly popular there is no large scale benchmark for measuring performance and guiding improvements on this important task. We propose LLP-Bench - a web scale benchmark with ∼ 70 datasets and 45 million datapoints. To the best of our knowledge, LLP-Bench is the first large scale tabular LLP benchmark with an extensive diversity in constituent datasets, realistic in terms of the sponsored search datasets used and aggregation mechanisms followed. Through more than 3000 experiments we compare the performance of 9 SOTA methods in detail. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that compares diverse approaches in such depth.