Max Saltonstall
Max Saltonstall loves to talk about security, collaboration and process improvement. He's on the Developer Advocacy team in Google Cloud, yelling at the internet full time. Since joining Google in 2011 Max has worked on video monetization products, internal change management, IT externalization and coding puzzles. He has a degree in Computer Science and Psychology from Yale.
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As with most large-scale migration efforts, the last 20% of Alphabet's BeyondCorp migration required disproportionate effort. After successfully transitioning most of the company's workflows to BeyondCorp, we still had a long tail of specific, oddball, or challenging situations to resolve. This article examines how we created processes, tools, and solutions to handle use cases that were not easily adapted to our core HTTPS-based workflow.
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What does a healthy fleet look like in a modern enterprise? How does one go from an unhealthy, or unknown, fleet to a healthy fleet? What tools and policies are essential? We dive into these topics as they formed a core part of our BeyondCorp journey at Google.
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BeyondCorp: The User Experience
Victor Manuel Escobedo
Filip Zyzniewski
Login, tbd (2017), tbd
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Previous articles in the BeyondCorp series discuss aspects of the technical challenges we solved along the way (see BeyondCorp: Design to Deployment at Google and BeyondCorp: The Access Proxy). Beyond its purely technical features, the migration also had a human element: it was vital to keep our users constantly in mind throughout this process. Our goal was to keep the end user experience as seamless as possible. When things did go wrong, we wanted users to know exactly how to proceed and where to go for help. This article describes the experience of Google employees as they work within the BeyondCorp model, some new processes that BeyondCorp enabled, and how we help users when they run into issues.
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Migrating to BeyondCorp: Maintaining Productivity While Improving Security
Jeff Peck
Login, Summer 2017, VOl 42, No 2 (2017)
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If you've read the three previous installments in the series about Google's BeyondCorp network security model, you may be thinking: “That all sounds good...but how does my organization move from where we are today to a similar model? What do I need to do? What's the potential impact on my company and my employees?” This article discusses how we moved from our legacy network to the BeyondCorp model--changing the fundamentals of network access--without breaking the company’s productivity.
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This article details the implementation of BeyondCorp's front end infrastructure. It focuses on the Access Proxy, the challenges we encountered in its implementation, and the resulting lessons we learned in its design and rollout. We also touch on some of the projects we're currently undertaking to improve the overall user experience for employees accessing internal applications.
In migrating to the BeyondCorp model (previously discussed in BeyondCorp: A New Approach to Enterprise Security and BeyondCorp: Design to Deployment at Google), Google had to solve a number of problems. One particular challenge was figuring out how to enforce company policy across all our internal-only services. A conventional approach might integrate each back end with the device Trust Inferer in order to evaluate applicable policies; however, this approach would significantly slow the rate at which we're able to launch and change products.
To address this challenge, Google implemented a centralized policy enforcement front end Access Proxy (AP)--to handle coarse-grained company policies. Our implementation of the AP is generic enough to let us implement logically different gateways using the same AP codebase. At the moment, Access Proxy implements both the Web Proxy and the SSH gateway components, according to the terminology used in the previous article. As the AP was the only mechanism that allowed employees to access internal HTTP services, all internal services were required to migrate behind the AP.
Unsurprisingly, attempting to deal with only HTTP requests proved inadequate, so we had to provide solutions for additional protocols, many of which required end-to-end encryption (e.g. SSH). These additional protocols necessitated a number of client-side changes to ensure that the device was properly identified to the AP.
The combination of the AP and an Access Control Engine (a shared ACL evaluator) for all entry points provided a couple of main benefits: a common logging point for all requests allowed us to perform forensic analysis more effectively, and we were also able to make changes to enforcement policies much more quickly and consistently.
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Improving security and usability at Google through an access model with dynamic tiers of trust for devices.
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