Uri Stemmer
I am interested in privacy-preserving data analysis, computational learning theory, and algorithms. Typically my research is theoretical. I am also a faculty member at the school of computer science of Tel Aviv University.
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Private Everlasting Prediction (PEP), recently introduced by Naor et al. [2023], is a model for differentially private learning in which the learner never publicly releases a hypothesis. Instead, it provides a black-box access to a ``prediction oracle'' that can predict the labels of an endless stream of unlabeled examples drawn from the underlying distribution. Importantly, PEP provides privacy both for the initial training set and for the endless stream of classification queries. We present two conceptual modifications to the definition of PEP, as well as new constructions exhibiting significant improvements over prior work. Specifically, our contributions include:
(1) Robustness: PEP only guarantees accuracy provided that all the classification queries are drawn from the correct underlying distribution. A few out-of-distribution queries might break the validity of the prediction oracle for future queries, even for future queries which are sampled from the correct distribution. We incorporate robustness against such poisoning attacks into the definition of PEP, and show how to obtain it.
(2) Dependence of the privacy parameter delta in the time horizon: We present a relaxed privacy definition, suitable for PEP, that allows us to disconnect the privacy parameter delta from the number of total time steps T. This allows us to obtain algorithms for PEP whose sample complexity is independent from T, thereby making them "truly everlasting". This is in contrast to prior work where the sample complexity grows with polylog(T).
(3) New constructions: Prior constructions for PEP exhibit sample complexity that is quadratic in the VC dimension of the target class. We present new constructions of PEP for axis-aligned rectangles and for decision-stumps, that exhibit sample complexity linear in the dimension (instead of quadratic). We show that our constructions satisfy very strong robustness properties.
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In the current digital world, large organizations (sometimes referred to as tech giants) provide service to extremely large numbers of users. The service provider is often interested in computing various data analyses over the private data of its users, which in turn have their incentives to cooperate, but do not necessarily trust the service provider.
In this work, we introduce the Gulliver multi-party computation model (GMPC) to realistically capture the above scenario. The GMPC model considers a single highly powerful party, called the server or Gulliver, that is connected to n users over a star topology network (alternatively formulated as a full network, where the server can block any message). The users are significantly less powerful than the server, and, in particular, should have both computation and communication complexities that are polylogarithmic in n. Protocols in the GMPC model should be secure against malicious adversaries that may corrupt a subset of the users and/or the server.
Designing protocols in the GMPC model is a delicate task, since users can only hold information about polylog(n) other users (and, in particular, can only communicate with polylog(n) other users). In addition, the server can block any message between any pair of honest parties. Thus, reaching an agreement becomes a challenging task. Nevertheless, we design generic protocols in the GMPC model, assuming that <1/8 fraction of the users may be corrupted (in addition to the server). Our main contribution is a variant of Feige's committee election protocol [FOCS 1999] that is secure in the GMPC model. Given this tool we show:
* Assuming fully homomorphic encryption (FHE), any computationally efficient function with O(n polylog(n))-size output can be securely computed in the GMPC model.
* Any function that can be computed by a circuit of O(polylog(n)) depth, O(n polylog(n))$ size, and bounded fan-in and fan-out can be securely computed in the GMPC model assuming vector commitment schemes (without assuming FHE).
* In particular, sorting can be securely computed in the GMPC model assuming vector commitment schemes. This has important applications for the shuffle model of differential privacy, and resolves an open question of Bell et al. [CCS 2020].
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One of the most basic problems for studying the "price of privacy over time" is the so called private counter problem, introduced by Dwork et al. (2010) and Chan et al. (2011). In this problem, we aim to track the number of events that occur over time, while hiding the existence of every single event. More specifically, in every time step $t\in[T]$ we learn (in an online fashion) that $\Delta_t\geq 0$ new events have occurred, and must respond with an estimate $n_t\approx\sum_{j=1}^t \Delta_j$. The privacy requirement is that all of the outputs together, across all time steps, satisfy event level differential privacy.
The main question here is how our error needs to depend on the total number of time steps $T$ and the total number of events $n$. Dwork et al. (2015) showed an upper bound of $O\left(\log(T)+\log^2(n)\right)$, and Henzinger et al. (2023) showed a lower bound of $\Omega\left(\min\{\log n, \log T\}\right)$. We show a new lower bound of $\Omega\left(\min\{n,\log T\}\right)$, which is tight w.r.t. the dependence on $T$, and is tight in the sparse case where $\log^2 n=O(\log T)$. Our lower bound has the following implications:
* We show that our lower bound extends to the online thresholds problem, where the goal is to privately answer many "quantile queries" when these queries are presented one-by-one. This resolves an open question of Bun et al. (2017).
* Our lower bound implies, for the first time, a separation between the number of mistakes obtainable by a private online learner and a non-private online learner. This partially resolves a COLT'22 open question published by Sanyal and Ramponi.
* Our lower bound also yields the first separation between the standard model of private online learning and a recently proposed relaxed variant of it, called private online prediction.
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We study the space complexity of the two related fields of differential privacy and adaptive data analysis. Specifically,
(1) Under standard cryptographic assumptions, we show that there exists a problem P that requires exponentially more space to be solved efficiently with differential privacy, compared to the space needed without privacy. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first separation between the space complexity of private and non-private algorithms.
(2) The line of work on adaptive data analysis focuses on understanding the number of samples needed for answering a sequence of adaptive queries. We revisit previous lower bounds at a foundational level, and show that they are a consequence of a space bottleneck rather than a sampling bottleneck.
To obtain our results, we define and construct an encryption scheme with multiple keys that is built to withstand a limited amount of key leakage in a very particular way.
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We introduce the concurrent shuffle model of differential privacy. In this model we have multiple concurrent shufflers permuting messages from different, possibly overlapping, batches of users. Similarly to the standard (single) shuffle model, the privacy requirement is that the concatenation of all shuffled messages should be differentially private. We study the private continual summation problem (a.k.a. the counter problem) and show that
the concurrent shuffle model allows for significantly improved error compared to a standard (single) shuffle model. Specifically, we give a summation algorithm with error $\Tilde{O}(n^{1/(2k+1)})$ with $k$ concurrent shufflers on a sequence of length $n$. Furthermore, we prove that this bound is tight for any $k$, even if the algorithm can choose the sizes of the batches adaptively. For $k=\log n$ shufflers, the resulting error is polylogarithmic, much better than $\Tilde{\Theta}(n^{1/3})$ which we show is the smallest possible with a single shuffler.
We use our online summation algorithm to get algorithms with improved regret bounds for the contextual linear bandit problem. In particular we get optimal $\Tilde{O}(\sqrt{n})$ regret with $k= \Tilde{\Omega}(\log n)$ concurrent shufflers.
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A private learner is trained on a sample of labeled points and generates a hypothesis that can be used for predicting the labels of newly sampled points while protecting the privacy of the training set [Kasiviswannathan et al., FOCS 2008]. Research uncovered that private learners may need to exhibit significantly higher sample complexity than non-private learners as is the case with, e.g., learning of one-dimensional threshold functions [Bun et al., FOCS 2015, Alon et al., STOC 2019].
We explore prediction as an alternative to learning. Instead of putting forward a hypothesis, a predictor answers a stream of classification queries. Earlier work has considered a private prediction model with just a single classification query [Dwork and Feldman, COLT 2018]. We observe that when answering a stream of queries, a predictor must modify the hypothesis it uses over time, and, furthermore, that it must use the queries for this modification, hence introducing potential privacy risks with respect to the queries themselves.
We introduce private everlasting prediction taking into account the privacy of both the training set and the (adaptively chosen) queries made to the predictor. We then present a generic construction of private everlasting predictors in the PAC model. The sample complexity of the initial training sample in our construction is quadratic (up to polylog factors) in the VC dimension of the concept class. Our construction allows prediction for all concept classes with finite VC dimension, and in particular threshold functions with constant size initial training sample, even when considered over infinite domains, whereas it is known that the sample complexity of privately learning threshold functions must grow as a function of the domain size and hence is impossible for infinite domains.
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Composition theorems are general and powerful tools that facilitate privacy accounting across multiple data accesses from per-access privacy bounds. However they often result in weaker bounds compared with end-to-end analysis. Two popular tools that mitigate that are the exponential mechanism (or report noisy max) and the sparse vector technique. They were generalized in a couple of recent private selection/test frameworks, including the work by Liu and Talwar (STOC 2019), and Papernot and Steinke (ICLR 2022).
In this work, we first present an alternative framework for private selection and testing with a simpler privacy proof and equally-good utility guarantee. Second, we observe that the private selection framework (both previous ones and ours) can be applied to improve the accuracy/confidence trade-off for many fundamental privacy-preserving data-analysis tasks, including query releasing, top-k selection, and stable selection.
Finally, for online settings, we apply the private testing to design a mechanism for adaptive query releasing, which improves the sample complexity dependence on the confidence parameter for the celebrated private multiplicative weights algorithm of Hardt and Rothblum (FOCS 2010).
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Streaming algorithms are typically analyzed in the oblivious setting, where we assume that the input stream is fixed in advance. Recently, there is a growing interest in designing adversarially robust streaming algorithms that must maintain utility even when the input stream is chosen adaptively and adversarially as the execution progresses. While several fascinating results are known for the adversarial setting, in general, it comes at a very high cost in terms of the required space. Motivated by this, in this work we set out to explore intermediate models that allow us to interpolate between the oblivious and the adversarial models. Specifically, we put forward the following two models:
- The bounded interruptions model, in which we assume that the adversary is only partially adaptive.
- The advice model, in which the streaming algorithm may occasionally ask for one bit of advice.
We present both positive and negative results for each of these two models. In particular, we present generic reductions from each of these models to the oblivious model. This allows us to design robust algorithms with significantly improved space complexity compared to what is known in the plain adversarial model.
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CountSketch and Feature Hashing (the "hashing trick") are popular randomized dimensionality reduction methods that support recovery of $\ell_2$-heavy hitters (keys $i$ where $v_i^2 > \epsilon \|\boldsymbol{v}\|_2^2$) and approximate inner products. When the inputs are {\em not adaptive} (do not depend on prior outputs), classic estimators applied to a sketch of size $O(\ell/\epsilon)$ are accurate for a number of queries that is exponential in $\ell$. When inputs are adaptive, however, an adversarial input can be constructed after $O(\ell)$ queries with the classic estimator and the best known robust estimator only supports $\tilde{O}(\ell^2)$ queries. In this work we show that this quadratic dependence is in a sense inherent: We design an attack that after $O(\ell^2)$ queries produces an adversarial input vector whose sketch is highly biased. Our attack uses "natural" non-adaptive inputs (only the final adversarial input is chosen adaptively) and universally applies with any correct estimator, including one that is unknown to the attacker. In that, we expose inherent vulnerability of this fundamental method.
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Classical streaming algorithms operate under the (not always reasonable) assumption that the input stream is fixed in advance. Recently, there is a growing interest in designing robust streaming algorithms that provide provable guarantees even when the input stream is chosen adaptively as the execution progresses. We propose a new framework for robust streaming that combines techniques from two recently suggested frameworks by Hassidim et al. [NeurIPS 2020] and by Woodruff and Zhou [FOCS 2021]. These recently suggested frameworks rely on very different ideas, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. We combine these two frameworks into a single hybrid framework that obtains the "best of both worlds", thereby solving a question left open by Woodruff and Zhou.
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