Ego-net Community Mining Applied to Friend Suggestion

Ismail Sebe
Ahmed Taei
Sunita Verma
Proceedings of VLDB (2016)


In this paper, we present a study of the community structure
of ego-networks—the graphs representing the connections
among the neighbors of a node—for several online social
networks. Toward this goal, we design a new technique to
efficiently build and cluster all the ego-nets of a graph in
parallel (note that even just building the ego-nets efficiently
is challenging on large networks). Our experimental findings
are quite compelling: at a microscopic level it is easy to
detect high quality communities.
Leveraging on this fact we, then, develop new features
for friend suggestion based on co-occurrences of two nodes
in different ego-nets’ communities. Our new features can
be computed efficiently on very large scale graphs by just
analyzing the neighborhood of each node. Furthermore, we
prove formally on a stylized model, and by experimental
analysis that this new similarity measure outperforms the
classic local features employed for friend suggestions