Large-scale optimization

Our mission is to develop large-scale optimization techniques and use them to improve the efficiency and robustness of infrastructure at Google.


We apply techniques from areas such as combinatorial optimization, online algorithms, and control theory to make Google’s big computational infrastructure do more with less. We combine online and offline optimizations to achieve such goals as increasing throughput, decreasing latency, minimizing resource contention, maximizing the efficacy of caches, and eliminating unnecessary work in distributed systems. Our research is used in critical infrastructure that supports products such as Search and Cloud.

Some of our projects

Consistent Hashing

We design memoryless balanced allocation algorithms to assign a dynamic set of tasks to a dynamic set of servers such that the load (the number of assigned tasks) on each server is bounded, and the allocation does not change by much for every update operation.

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Distributed Optimization Based on Core-Sets

Composable core-sets provide an effective method for solving optimization problems on massive datasets. The main idea is to partition data among some number of machines, then use each machine to compute some small summary/sketch of the data. After gathering all summaries on one machine, we solve the original optimization problem.

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Large-Scale Set Cover

Maximum coverage and minimum set-cover problems are among the fundamental problems in combinatorial optimization and have a variety of applications in machine learning and data mining. We study these problems in the streaming and MapReduce models of computation, and develop practical algorithms with tight theoretical bounds for runtime, space and approximation guarantee. Our main idea is a novel sketching technique that compresses the input into a small space, independent of the size of the ground set, without hurting the quality by much.

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Search Infrastructure Optimization

Several of our projects have partnered with product teams to help improve the efficiency of Google's search infrastructure. In the backend for web search, we introduced a distributed feedback control loop to govern the way queries are fanned out to worker machines, in order to balance load better by taking advantage of real-time load information on the workers. We also improved the efficacy of caching by increasing the homogeneity of the stream of queries seen by any single worker machine. To accomplish this, we clustered query terms, used these clusters to define voting weights, and assigned queries to workers on the basis of votes cast by the terms in the query. In a pub-sub system that powers some of our display ads, we saved computation by clustering some components of subscriptions in a way that lets us take advantage of bitwise-parallel CPU operations.

Featured publications

Preview abstract Feature selection is a fundamental problem in machine learning and data mining. The majority of feature selection algorithms are designed for running on a single machine (centralized setting) and they are less applicable to very large datasets. Although there are some distributed methods to tackle this problem, most of them are distributing the data horizontally which are not suitable for datasets with a large number of features and few number of instances. Thus, in this paper, we introduce a novel vertically distributable feature selection method in order to speed up this process and be able to handle very large datasets in a scalable manner. In general, feature selection methods aim at selecting relevant and non-redundant features (Minimum Redundancy and Maximum Relevance). It is much harder to consider redundancy in a vertically distributed setting than a centralized setting since there is no global access to the whole data. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt toward solving the feature selection problem with a vertically distributed filter method which handles the redundancy with consistently comparable results with centralized methods. In this paper, we formalize the feature selection problem as a diversity maximization problem by introducing a mutual-information-based metric distance on the features. We show the effectiveness of our method by performing an extensive empirical study. In particular, we show that our distributed method outperforms state-of-the-art centralized feature selection algorithms on a variety of datasets. From a theoretical point of view, we have proved that the used greedy algorithm in our method achieves an approximation factor of 1/4 for the diversity maximization problem in a distributed setting with high probability. Furthermore, we improve this to 8/25 expected approximation using multiplicity in our distribution. View details
Preview abstract Coverage problems are central in optimization and have a wide range of applications in data mining and machine learning. While several distributed algorithms have been developed for coverage problems, the existing methods suffer from several limitations, e.g., they all achieve either suboptimal approximation guarantees or suboptimal space and memory complexities. In addition, previous algorithms developed for submodular maximization assume oracle access, and ignore the computational complexity of communicating large subsets or computing the size of the union of the subsets in this subfamily. In this paper, we develop an improved distributed algorithm for the k-cover and the set cover with λ outliers problems, with almost optimal approximation guarantees, almost optimal memory complexity, and linear communication complexity running in only four rounds of computation. Finally, we perform an extensive empirical study of our algorithms on a number of publicly available real data sets, and show that using sketches of size 30 to 600 times smaller than the input, one can solve the coverage maximization problem with quality very close to that of the state-of-the-art single-machine algorithm. View details
Preview abstract The problem of matrix column subset selection has recently attracted a large body of research, with feature selection serving as one obvious and important application. Among the techniques that have been applied to solve this problem, the greedy algorithm has been shown to be quite effective in practice. However, our theoretical guarantees on its performance have not been ex- plored thoroughly, especially in a distributed set- ting. In this paper, we study the greedy algorithm for the column subset selection problem from a theoretical and empirical perspective and show its effectiveness in a distributed setting. In par- ticular, we provide an improved approximation guarantee for the greedy algorithm, and present the first distributed implementation of this algo- rithm with provable approximation factors. We use the idea of randomized composable core- sets, developed recently in the context of sub- modular maximization. Finally, we validate the effectiveness of this distributed algorithm via an empirical study. View details
Almost Optimal Streaming Algorithms for Coverage Problems
Hossein Esfandiari
29th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (2017)
Preview abstract Maximum coverage and minimum set cover problems --collectively called coverage problems-- have been studied extensively in streaming models. However, previous research not only achieve sub-optimal approximation factors and space complexities, but also study a restricted set arrival model which makes an explicit or implicit assumption on oracle access to the sets, ignoring the complexity of reading and storing the whole set at once. In this paper, we address the above shortcomings, and present algorithms with improved approximation factor and improved space complexity, and prove that our results are almost tight. Moreover, unlike most of previous work, our results hold on a more general edge arrival model. More specifically, we present (almost) optimal approximation algorithms for maximum coverage and minimum set cover problems in the streaming model with an (almost) optimal space complexity of O~(n), i.e., the space is {\em independent of the size of the sets or the size of the ground set of elements}. These results not only improve over the best known algorithms for the set arrival model, but also are the first such algorithms for the more powerful {\em edge arrival} model. In order to achieve the above results, we introduce a new general sketching technique for coverage functions: This sketching scheme can be applied to convert an α-approximation algorithm for a coverage problem to a $(1-\eps)\alpha$-approximation algorithm for the same problem in streaming, or RAM models. We show the significance of our sketching technique by ruling out the possibility of solving coverage problems via accessing (as a black box) a $(1 \pm \eps)$-approximate oracle (e.g., a sketch function) that estimates the coverage function on any subfamily of the sets. View details
Preview abstract In this paper we consider efficient construction of “composable core-sets” for basic diversity and coverage maximization problems. A core-set for a point-set in a metric space is a subset of the point-set with the property that an approximate solution to the whole point-set can be obtained given the core-set alone. A composable core-set has the property that for a collection of sets, the approximate solution to the union of the sets in the collection can be obtained given the union of the composable core-sets for the point sets in the collection. Using composable core-sets one can obtain effi- cient solutions to a wide variety of massive data processing applications, including nearest neighbor search, streaming algorithms and map-reduce computation. Our main results are algorithms for constructing composable core-sets for several notions of “diversity objective functions”, a topic that attracted a significant amount of research over the last few years. The composable core-sets we construct are small and accurate: their approximation factor almost matches that of the best “off-line” algorithms for the relevant optimization problems (up to a constant factor). Moreover, we also show applications of our results to diverse nearest neighbor search, streaming algorithms and map-reduce computation. Finally, we show that for an alternative notion of diversity maximization based on the maximum coverage problem small composable core-sets do not exist. View details
Preview abstract In this paper we consider efficient construction of “composable core-sets” for basic diversity and coverage maximization problems. A core-set for a point-set in a metric space is a subset of the point-set with the property that an approximate solution to the whole point-set can be obtained given the core-set alone. A composable core-set has the property that for a collection of sets, the approximate solution to the union of the sets in the collection can be obtained given the union of the composable core-sets for the point sets in the collection. Using composable core-sets one can obtain effi- cient solutions to a wide variety of massive data processing applications, including nearest neighbor search, streaming algorithms and map-reduce computation. Our main results are algorithms for constructing composable core-sets for several notions of “diversity objective functions”, a topic that attracted a significant amount of research over the last few years. The composable core-sets we construct are small and accurate: their approximation factor almost matches that of the best “off-line” algorithms for the relevant optimization problems (up to a constant factor). Moreover, we also show applications of our results to diverse nearest neighbor search, streaming algorithms and map-reduce computation. Finally, we show that for an alternative notion of diversity maximization based on the maximum coverage problem small composable core-sets do not exist. View details
Distributed Balanced Clustering via Mapping Coresets
Aditya Bhaskara
NIPS, Neural Information Processing Systems Foundation (2014)
Preview abstract Large-scale clustering of data points in metric spaces is an important problem in mining big data sets. For many applications, we face explicit or implicit size constraints for each cluster which leads to the problem of clustering under capacity constraints or the balanced clustering'' problem. Although the balanced clustering problem has been widely studied, developing a theoretically sound distributed algorithm remains an open problem. In the present paper we develop a general framework based on mapping coresets'' to tackle this issue. For a wide range of clustering objective functions such as k-center, k-median, and k-means, our techniques give distributed algorithms for balanced clustering that match the best known single machine approximation ratios. View details
Preview abstract An effective technique for solving optimization problems over massive data sets is to partition the data into smaller pieces, solve the problem on each piece and compute a representative solution from it, and finally obtain a solution inside the union of the representative solutions for all pieces. This technique can be captured via the concept of composable core-sets, and has been recently applied to solve diversity maximization problems as well as several clustering problems [7,15,8]. However, for coverage and submodular maximization problems, impossibility bounds are known for this technique [15]. In this paper, we focus on efficient construction of a randomized variant of composable core-sets where the above idea is applied on a random clustering of the data. We employ this technique for the coverage, monotone and non-monotone submodular maximization problems. Our results significantly improve upon the hardness results for non-randomized core-sets, and imply improved results for submodular maximization in a distributed and streaming settings. The effectiveness of this technique has been confirmed empirically for several machine learning applications [22], and our proof provides a theoretical foundation to this idea. In summary, we show that a simple greedy algorithm results in a 1/3-approximate randomized composable core-set for submodular maximization under a cardinality constraint. Our result also extends to non-monotone submodular functions, and leads to the first 2-round MapReduce-based constant-factor approximation algorithm with O(n) total communication complexity for either monotone or non-monotone functions. Finally, using an improved analysis technique and a new algorithm PseudoGreedy, we present an improved 0.545-approximation algorithm for monotone submodular maximization, which is in turn the first MapReduce-based algorithm beating factor 1/2 in a constant number of rounds. View details
Consistent Hashing with Bounded Loads
Mikkel Thorup
Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (2018), pp. 587-604
Preview abstract Designing algorithms for balanced allocation of clients to servers in dynamic settings is a challenging problem for a variety of reasons. Both servers and clients may be added and/or removed from the system periodically, and the main objectives of allocation algorithms are: the uniformity of the allocation, and the number of moves after adding or removing a server or a client. The most popular solution for our dynamic settings is Consistent Hashing. However, the load balancing of consistent hashing is no better than a random assignment of clients to servers, so with n of each, we expect many servers to be overloaded with Θ(logn/loglogn) clients. In this paper, with n clients and n servers, we get a guaranteed max-load of 2 while only moving an expected constant number of clients for each update. We take an arbitrary user specified balancing parameter c=1+ϵ>1. With m balls and n bins in the system, we want no load above ⌈cm/n⌉. Meanwhile we want to bound the expected number of balls that have to be moved when a ball or server is added or removed. Compared with general lower bounds without capacity constraints, we show that in our algorithm when a ball or bin is inserted or deleted, the expected number of balls that have to be moved is increased only by a multiplicative factor O(1ϵ2) for ϵ≤1 (Theorem 4) and by a factor 1+O(logcc) for ϵ≥1 (Theorem 3). Technically, the latter bound is the most challenging to prove. It implies that we for superconstant c only pay a negligible cost in extra moves. We also get the same bounds for the simpler problem where we instead of a user specified balancing parameter have a fixed bin capacity C for all bins. View details