Algorithms & optimization
We perform fundamental research in algorithms, markets, optimization, and graph analysis, and use it to deliver solutions to challenges across Google’s business.

We perform fundamental research in algorithms, markets, optimization, and graph analysis, and use it to deliver solutions to challenges across Google’s business.
About the team
Our team comprises multiple overlapping research groups working on graph mining, large-scale optimization, and market algorithms. We collaborate closely with teams across Google, benefiting Ads, Search, YouTube, Play, Infrastructure, Geo, Social, Image Search, Cloud and more. Along with these collaborations, we perform research related to algorithmic foundations of machine learning, distributed optimization, economics, data mining, and data-driven optimization. Our researchers are involved in both long-term research efforts as well as immediate applications of our technology.
Examples of recent research interests include online ad allocation problems, distributed algorithms for large-scale graph mining, mechanism design for advertising exchanges, and robust and dynamic pricing for ad auctions.
Team focus summaries
Our mission is to develop large-scale, distributed, and data-driven optimization techniques and use them to improve the efficiency and robustness of infrastructure and machine learning systems at Google. We achieve such goals as increasing throughput and decreasing latency in distributed systems, or improving feature selection and parameter tuning in machine learning. To do this, we apply techniques from areas such as combinatorial optimization, online algorithms, and control theory. Our research is used in critical infrastructure that supports products such as Search and Cloud.
Our mission is to discover all the world’s places and to understand people’s interactions with those places. We accomplish this by using ML to develop deep understanding of user trajectories and actions in the physical world, and we apply that understanding to solve the recurrent hard problems in geolocation data analysis. This research has enabled many of the novel features that appear in Google geo applications such as Maps.
Our mission is to extract salient information from templated documents and web pages and then use that information to assist users. We focus our efforts on extracting data such as flight information from email, event data form the web, and product information from the web. This enables many features in products such as Google Now, Search, and Shopping.
Our mission is to conduct research to enable new or more effective search capabilities. This includes developing deeper understanding of correlations between documents and queries; modeling user attention and product satisfaction; developing Q&A models, particularly for the “next billion Internet users”; and, developing effective personal search models even when Google engineers cannot inspect private user input data.
Our mission is offer a premier source of high-quality medical information along your entire online health journey. We provide relevant, targeted medical information to users by applying advanced ML on Google Search data. Examples of technologies created by this team include Symptom Search, Allergy Prediction, and other epidemiological applications.
Featured publications
Highlighted work
A Summary of the Google Zürich Algorithms & Optimization WorkshopWe hosted a workshop that sparked new ideas for academics and Googlers in the area of algorithms and optimization, while also giving our academic participants an opportunity to see what Google has been working on.
Consistent Hashing with Bounded LoadsRunning a large-scale web service, such as content hosting, necessarily requires load balancing and we believe we have a found a way to mitigate the possibility of doing so with sub-optimal load balancing on many servers.
Balanced Partitioning and Hierarchical Clustering at ScaleThis post presents the distributed algorithm we developed which is more applicable to large instances.
KDD 2015 Best Research Paper Award: Algorithms for Public-Private Social NetworksThe inspiration for this paper comes from studying social networks and the importance of addressing privacy issues in analyzing such networks.
Third Market Algorithms and Optimization Workshop at Google NYCWe held this Workshop and invited several leading academics in these fields to meet with researchers and engineers at Google to discuss current algorithmic and game theoretic challenges in design.
Graph MiningOur mission is to build the most scalable library for graph algorithms and analysis and apply it to a multitude of Google products. We formalize data mining and machine learning challenges as graph problems and perform fundamental research in those fields leading to publications in top venues.
Market AlgorithmsOur mission is to analyze, design, and deliver economically and computationally efficient marketplaces across Google. Our research in auction theory, mechanism design, and advanced algorithms serves to improve Ads and other market-based products.
Some of our locations
Some of our people
Gagan Aggarwal
- Algorithms and Theory
- Data Mining and Modeling
- Economics and Electronic Commerce
David Applegate
- Algorithms and Theory
Aaron Archer
- Algorithms and Theory
- Data Mining and Modeling
- Distributed Systems and Parallel Computing
Ashwinkumar Badanidiyuru Varadaraja
- Algorithms and Theory
- Economics and Electronic Commerce
- Machine Intelligence
Mohammadhossein Bateni
- Algorithms and Theory
- Data Mining and Modeling
- Distributed Systems and Parallel Computing
Michael Bendersky
- Data Mining and Modeling
- Information Retrieval and the Web
- Machine Intelligence
Kshipra Bhawalkar
- Algorithms and Theory
- Economics and Electronic Commerce
Edith Cohen
- Algorithms and Theory
- Data Mining and Modeling
- Machine Learning
Alessandro Epasto
- Algorithms and Theory
- Data Mining and Modeling
- Machine Intelligence
Alejandra Estanislao
- Algorithms and Theory
Andrei Z. Broder
- Information Retrieval and the Web
Jon Feldman
- Algorithms and Theory
- Economics and Electronic Commerce
- Machine Intelligence
Nadav Golbandi
- Data Mining and Modeling
- Information Retrieval and the Web
- Machine Intelligence
Jeongwoo Ko
- Information Retrieval and the Web
- Machine Intelligence
- Natural Language Processing
Marc Najork
- Information Retrieval and the Web
- Machine Intelligence
Nitish Korula
- Algorithms and Theory
- Data Mining and Modeling
- Economics and Electronic Commerce
Kostas Kollias
- Algorithms and Theory
- Economics and Electronic Commerce
Silvio Lattanzi
- Algorithms and Theory
- Data Mining and Modeling
- Distributed Systems and Parallel Computing
Cheng Li
- Data Mining and Modeling
- Information Retrieval and the Web
- Machine Intelligence
Mohammad Mahdian
- Algorithms and Theory
- Data Mining and Modeling
- Economics and Electronic Commerce
Alex Fabrikant
- Algorithms and Theory
- Data Mining and Modeling
- Machine Intelligence
Rich Washington
- Algorithms and Theory
- Machine Intelligence
Qi Zhao
- Data Mining and Modeling
- Economics and Electronic Commerce
- Machine Intelligence
Jon Orwant
- Distributed Systems and Parallel Computing
- Information Retrieval and the Web
- Algorithms and Theory
Qifan Wang
Andrew Tomkins
- Algorithms and Theory
- Data Mining and Modeling
- Human-Computer Interaction and Visualization
Vidhya Navalpakkam
- Human-Computer Interaction and Visualization
- Information Retrieval and the Web
- Machine Perception
Bhargav Kanagal
- Data Mining and Modeling
- Machine Intelligence
Aranyak Mehta
- Algorithms and Theory
- Economics and Electronic Commerce
Guillaume Chatelet
- Hardware and Architecture
- Software Engineering
- Software Systems
Sandeep Tata
- Data Management
- Data Mining and Modeling
- Distributed Systems and Parallel Computing
Balasubramanian Sivan
- Algorithms and Theory
- Economics and Electronic Commerce
Vahab S. Mirrokni
- Data Mining and Modeling
- Distributed Systems and Parallel Computing
- Algorithms and Theory
Yuan Wang
- Data Mining and Modeling
- Distributed Systems and Parallel Computing
- Machine Intelligence
Xuanhui Wang
- Information Retrieval and the Web
- Machine Intelligence
Renato Paes Leme
- Algorithms and Theory
- Economics and Electronic Commerce
Bryan Perozzi
- Data Mining and Modeling
- Machine Intelligence
Morteza Zadimoghaddam
- Algorithms and Theory
- Distributed Systems and Parallel Computing
- Economics and Electronic Commerce
Fabien Viger
- Algorithms and Theory
- Machine Intelligence
Tamas Sarlos
- Algorithms and Theory
- Data Mining and Modeling
- Machine Intelligence
James B. Wendt
- Information Retrieval and the Web
- Machine Intelligence